Digital Twin for Dynamics Testing
The interest in using scaled models for dynamics testing of prototype vehicles is growing due to the high demand for autonomous driving. In the early design phases, vehicle testing is done using computer simulations. Even though computer simulations are proven to be extremely helpful in designing prototypes, simulation models need to be validated using real world testing. There are high costs involved in vehicle testing and it’s dangerous to conduct aggressive driving maneuver with real drivers.
Services Provided
Design for Manufacturing, Multiphysics Analysis, Embedded systems and Firmware Development, Manufacturing
Project Summary
Design and Development of a digital twin to test the vehicle dynamics of a Honda Civic car
Product Vision
There are high costs involved in vehicle testing and it’s dangerous to conduct aggressive driving maneuver with real drivers. Is there a way to test the dynamics of a vehicle?
Final Outcome
A digital twin was developed using a Multi Body Dynamics software to depict the exact motions of the scaled vehicle model. The physical model was developed to validate the digital twin through standard testing processes. 1998 Honda Civic Hatchback vehicle was the subject of the digital twin to validate the use of scaled vehicle model prototype for testing purposes.
The roll, pitch and yaw motions of the chassis was analyzed for the steering angle and longitudinal velocity input. Below mentioned plots are results of MBD simulation of digital twin of Honda civic vehicle.
The physical scaled vehicle model was developed using a custom developed Aluminum chassis for the exact calculated dimensions of the scaled digital twin. The wheels and differential were purchased from the RC vehicles catalog. All other suspension parts are custom designed and 3D printed using PLA+ materials. The physical model has an electric drivetrain for the exact power ratings of the Honda Civic hatchback scaled digital twin. The scaled physical model is still under testing and fine tuning process to achieve 90% similarity with the digital twin.